Im very glad to write a review of this very well-written application. Its greatest strength is its amazingly good content. As the guys at Monokakido remind us, Sanseidos Wisdom E-J and J-E dictionaries are regularltop sellers at Amazon Japan. I found its entries exceedingly good: they contain several senses with good natural translations. Perhaps more importantly, they provide illuminating examples in Japanese and English.
The application in its design and execution is very good too. Simple and clean. The search bar at the top uses Apples built-in On Screen Keyboard for English or Japanese text entry. Each entry is shown in very clear colors, using 2 fonts in a way that makes it easy to read without being overpowering or busy.
Its probably true that if youre just getting started with Japanese, this dictionary will be harder to use: its entries use natural Japanese (i.e., a mixture of kana and kanji) without furigana or romaji that would help beginning readers. I suspect the publishers are focusing on dictionaries for native Japanese readers, but may find foreign Japanese students and readers interested since the quality level is so high. One suggestion is to check their webpage to see if the example entries shown in screenshots are hard to read before you buy the app.
If youre looking for a well-built, quality mobile EJ/JE dictionary, this is well worth your consideration.
jimcoyer about ウィズダム英和・和英辞典